Saturday, June 19, 2010


Tomorrow I leave on vacation!  I'm soooooooooooooooooooo excited!  I'm going to be traveling to Nashville, Tennessee for a day or two then I will be heading to Mississippi to hang out with some of my family that I usually only get to see once a year.

Packing seems to be one of the most stressful parts of the whole vacation.  Yes, it's more stressful then planning, picking out a motel, or deciding what to do.  Why?  Because you have to:

1) figure out how many days you have to pack for, 

2) Decide if you need any extra clothes with
 (in case you get dirty/ spill) 

3) You have to plan out outfits for each day (of course you
 don't have to plan them out in 
order... well unless you have a carry-on)

4) You have to check and make sure you have 
everything (usually more than once) so you can make 
sure you didn't forget your toothbrush, shampoo, ect.

:) haha I'm not complaining I'm just saying packing can be a super stressful thing... especially if you think your missing something but you just don't know what....

So anyhoo I thought I'd make a list of things that are usually a good idea to pack when your going on vacation. (Hey, maybe you could use this next time your going on a trip and your not sure if you have everything!)
-Clothes for everyday
     - And clothes for every weather ("just in case")
-Shampoo/ Conditioner/ Soap {if all else fails remember some kind of soap! :) }
-Makeup.... possibly??
- Those people that were suppose to come with you...
-probably something to do on the way such as;
     - camera
     -a working car radio

Did I forget anything?? :)

I'll try my best to keep you updated during my vacation but my next post may not be for a few days.

~Thanks soooooooo much for reading and checking out my blog!

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Poem.... Well Sort of....

Colored Pencils
(Click Picture for full sized image)

Colored Pencils seem to keep the world in tact.
How? Do you ask?
They're like paintbrushes painting a white canvas.
They can turn almost any bare surface into a colorful bright dreamy picture.
They can draw night or even a bright sunny day.
The Possibilities are endless with colored pencils.
And that is all I have to say!

Did that make any sense?  Haha not really...  Today so far has been such a wonderful bright and sunny day that I think it's time I go out and play!  Okay, okay maybe I should stop with the whole rhyming/ poem thing and just stick to writing.

It really has been a very beautiful day though, so I think it's time I get off the computer and go outside and enjoy this wonderful weather!  So, I guess this means that I'll "talk" to you later!

~Thanks for checking out my blog :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010


(Click Picture for Larger View)

Summer has finally came upon us! (Although to be honest, for some reason it just doesn't quite feel like summer yet for me.) It's that time of year when certain parts of our gardens seem to take off at a sprint and turn from blooming flowers into fruit almost right in front of our eyes. One of these fruits are strawberries! They seem to turn from just a flower into the beautiful, shiny, red, and not to mention tasty fruit almost overnight! There is something about the red color of strawberries that seems to have a beauty that not many other shades of red can hold.

When I took this picture, I thought it looked like an okay picture on my tiny camera screen. After blowing it up on the computer though, I realized that there was something about the two strawberries on the right that I just absolutely loved! Maybe it's their red color, or the fact that they seem to stand out more than anything else in the picture. Whatever it is, there is defiantly something about them that makes me smile. Who knows, maybe I'm just a sucker for strawberry pictures...

Well anyhoo I hope you like the picture and you come back to check out more of my blog posts in the future :) Thanks sooooooooooo much for checking my blog out!

Picture of the day?

When I first started this blog I was unsure of what I wanted it to be about, but I think I want to use it to start posting pictures I've edited and maybe just talk about what I'm up to, and ramble on about what ever comes to my mind. I mean blogs are meant to let you talk about whatever you want the world to know, right? So starting today, I think I'm going to start posting more and I may possibly start a Picture of the Day section! Of course the only problem with that is for the next two months I will be traveling quite a bit. Which of course means I may have to start with just a Picture of the week... :) haha well I guess we'll have to see how it all plays out...